Telegram Storefront
Sell online to over 700 million monthly active Telegram users
with the power of the Ecwid platform
What is Telegram?
Telegram is a messaging app (like WhatsApp). Telegram has over 700 million monthly active users and is one of the 10 most downloaded apps in the world!

Telegram has channels that unite people with the same interests. And it is a great opportunity for merchants to find highly target audience for the store.
Create Telegram account
About us
Our goal is to give Ecwid merchants the possibility to grow the business. We propose to receive access to the Telegram audience with the power of making sales directly in the messenger!

We offer you a new channel of sales, lower customer acquisition costs, Telegram communities, and much more!

With our app, you will create a bot and be ready to start selling in Telegram.
How It Works
Create your bot
We provide instructions on how to create a bot and connect it to your store.
The setup is easy and takes just 5 minutes.
Enable search
Let your customers find the products they need in seconds with the bot's inline search and share it in any place
Promote your bot
Select channels that fit your store by topic and language, attach an image and text for your advertising post. That’s all! Run your ad campaigns in 10 minutes!
Our Advantages
New Audience
Discover new customers with the power of Telegram communities
Your customers will love to share your goods!
Let's try it!
Decrease marketing expenses with influence marketing and targeting communities
Have a question?
Contact us, we are here to help!
Ready to Start?
Install our app at Ecwid App Market to set up the bot and start selling on the Telegram
+995 595 226 075
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